Kim M Reynolds is

an arts and politics writer,

a critical media scholar and educator ,

tech and surveillance researcher,

and a human being.


Photo by Nzilani Simu


Researcher and Organizer : Our Data Bodies

Resident and Writing Fellow: the Library of Africa and the African Diaspora

Freelance Art and Politics Writer : Latest here and other work in Several Places

Lecturer and course convener on Queering Citizenship : The University of Cape Town


The pitfalls of return for Africa is a Country

Artist Portrait of Manyaku Mashilo for ContemporaryAnd

Review of Uhuru Phalafala’s Mine Mine Mine with Johannesburg Review of Books

Essay Contribution to Mary Evans’ Monograph, Gilt, (softcover) published by the Zeitz MOCAA

Book Review: ‘Black Prophetic Fire’ Review: The Genius of Influential Black Figures for The Rauch Review